Aerial view of coal power plant high pipes with black smoke

Emissions Calculator

Key Features

Live Calculations

Establish KPI’s that can provide real-time data for emission tracking.

Configure Calculations

Create unique formulas based on regulatory and legislative requirements.

Geographical Variables

Configure various conditions dependent on location and site.

Set Output Unit

Implement unique metrics that best measure your operation’s environmental targets.

Analytics & Reporting

Auto-generate detailed data-driven reports to gain a greater understanding of your operational emissions levels.


Review data and make informed decisions on future environmental objectives.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Measure all ethical practices that directly corelate to emission production.


Visually display all data through configurable widgets and graphs.

What can FlexManager do for you?

garbage truck
Integrate with Waste Permits module to ensure total your operation is within regulations and compliant with legislation.
Office desk with charts, coffee, plant and phone
Implement unique purpose driven formulas that will ensure complete standardisation of sustainability objectives.

Linked Modules