Environmental Audits

Water sample. Hand collects water to explore. Concept - water purity analysis, environment, ecology.

Environmental Audits

Key Features

Custom Investigations

Implement a bespoke inquiry process once environmental issues are reported.

Review Process

Configure the environmental assessment procedures to mirror your current audit policies.

Corrective Actions

Monitor and assign follow up tasks with a wide range of linked modules.

Customisable Sections

Establish unique review elements to match your company's internal processes.

Image & Video Capture

Upload visual media formats as a reference point to support audit questions.

Notifications & Alerts

Auto generate individuals to receive notifications for audits that are scheduled, overdue and completed.

Time Management

Automatically log time while completing your audit to provide transparency over workflow.

Supported on Andorid & iOS

Complete mobile compatibility - complete your audits on the move.

GPS Positioning

Auto generate your location and weather conditions.

Capture Offline Data

Complete your audit in any remote area without internet connection.

What can FlexManager do for you?

Standardise Environmental Audit practices throughout your company.
Create custom review steps along with transparent follow-up tasks.
Create audit schedules or complete ad-hoc on the Web System or Mobile Device.
Easily measure practices company-wide to ensure legislative compliance throughout.

Linked Modules