Time & Attendance

Time & Attendance

Key Features


Configure notifications to the requirements of your companies policies.

NFC Technology

Use a personalised employee ID card to grant permitted access to locations.


Create meticulous employee work schedules well in advanced to establish organisation.

Import/ Export Files

Use the import/ export function to bulk upload shifts into Excel fromat.


Create files with all necessary information to provide to your payroll department.

iOS & Android

Complete mobility available through the use of any mobile operating system.

Access Control

Only allow those with explicit permission to gain entry to restricted areas.


IoT Sensor Integration Capabilities.


Generate a complete run down of all employee information relating to their scheduled and worked hours.


Configure your company Dashboard to display relevant information and show visual up to date statistics.

What can FlexManager do for you?

Apply rules that must be adhered to by specific groups and indivuals within your organisation.
Receive automated reports that provide detailed and up to date information on all employee scheduling data.

Linked Modules