Super Admin Training 24

Super Admin Training

Key Features

Explore Possibilities

How many ways can FlexManager benefit your business?

Increase Knowledge

...and understanding of the FlexManager solutions already in your organisation.

Unlock the Potential

Gain the confidence to set up, configure and troubleshoot any process on FlexManager.

Management made Easy

The focus will be on high-level management of set-up, settings, schedules, permissions etc.

Tips & Tricks

Our Flexperts have all the tips and tricks on how to improve the functionality of your system.

Is this the right training course for you?

Do you want to Utilise our award winning software to it's full potential?Gain a detailed and comprehensive knowledge of all FlexManager solutions and how they could benefit your organization in ways you may not have thought were even possible. Grasp how to efficiently resolve any queries raised by colleagues and help them improve on FlexManager themselves?
The Flex Manager Super Admin Training course is designed with admin-level users in mind. The primary focus will be on high-level management of setup, settings, schedules, permissions etc. We will also offer practical advice, tips, and tricks for improving the general functionality of your system.

Linked Modules